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Director of Neuropsychiatry
Lecturer on Psychiatry PT, Harvard Medical SChool
Educational History:
BS, Biology, University of the Philippines
MD, LaSalle University
Internship and Residency, Massachusetts Mental Health Center/VA/Harvard Medical School
Fellowship, Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Fellowship, Harvard Medical School
Clinical Interests/Program Development:
Geriatric Neuropschiatry inpatient and outpatient program expansion
Community Psychiatry
Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
Brief Narrative:
Dr Mendoza’s interest in Neuropsychiatry first developed when he was in medical school when his father suffered a dental career ending right frontal hemorrhagic stroke that necessitated a craniotomy. He was exposed first hand to his father’s severe encephalopathy that was not well explained or managed by neurosurgery or neurology. The resultant severe frontal lobe syndrome and the profound impact on his parents’ and siblings’ lives made a lasting impression on him and implored him to learn about neuropsychiatric syndromes and how to help patients and their families. Dr Mendoza did his psychiatry residency at the MMHC/HMS/VA program followed by fellowships at the Brigham where he trained in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry with a focus on Brain Trauma, Brain Tumors, Chronic Pain and Psycho-Oncology.He was also Harvard Medical School’s first Primary Care Psychiatry Fellow. Dr Mendoza is a diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry with subspecialty certification in Psychosomatic Medicine,Addiction Psychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry. Post training, Dr Mendoza has founded two Departments of Psychiatry which a particular focus on developing CL services and an inpatient geriatric neuropsychiatry unit. Currently, Dr Mendoza is Chair of the BIDPlymouth Department of Psychiatry and is Medical Director of their Geriatric Neuropsychiatry program. In addition, he is Director of Psychiatry at the BIDMilton and BIDNeedham and founded their CL divisions. He serves as the BIDMC Director of Network Integration and is tasked with representing the BI at the BI Lahey BH system meetings. He has also developed/administered 3 Health Policy Commission grant awards to develop community behavioral health programs including Complex Care for dually insured patients, developing an ED behavioral health team and an impact model based integrated program for the BI primary care/specialty practices. He also developed / implemented Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) in the ED at the 3 BID community hospitals. He also served on the MHA task force to develop guidelines for (MAT) in the ED.
Research Interests:
Neuropsychiatric syndromes
Dementia and its neuropsychiatric complications
Personal Interests/Hobbies:
During his free time, Danny loves spending time with his wife and family. He endures the trials and tribulations of “playing” tennis and fantasizes about being able to spend more time traveling. He is working on writing a novel with his son, an actor/writer.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]